Agenda item

Update on the Delivery of the Medium Term Financial Plan 4 - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an update on the progress made at the end of June 2014 on the delivery of the 2014/15 to 2016/17 Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP4) (for copy see file of minutes).


The MTFP 4 had been agreed by Council and for 2014/15 the savings target is just over £23m which forms part of the overall savings target for the period from 2011/12 to 2016/17 of around £224m.


The Head of Policy and Communications reported that delivery of the MTFP programme remains very challenging and the savings for 2014/15 represents an increase of 10% from the previous year. Through the robust approach, the Council continue to manage the savings programme and remain within plan in meeting the savings targets.


Councillor Hopgood commented on the consultation on Children’s Centres and expressed concerns regarding public perception that the review was being carried out due to budget savings. She added that the Corporate Director, Children and Adults Services had advised in previous meetings that the Children’s Centres were being reviewed as they had failed to deliver the improvements that were hoped for, irrespective of savings targets.



That the content of the report and the progress being made in delivering MTFP be noted.

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