Agenda item

Masterplans for County Durham

    (i)        Joint Report of Assistant Chief Executive and the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development

  (ii)        Presentation by the Regeneration Projects Manager and the Community Economic Development Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development



The Chairman thanked the Regeneration Projects Manager, RED, Chris Myers and the Community Economic Development Team Leader, RED, Jackie Donnelly who were in attendance to speak to Members in relation to Masterplans for County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained that the Masterplans were set within the strategic context of: focusing and coordinating regeneration activities; inputting into the delivery of the Local Plan and Infrastructure Delivery Plan; engaging with partners, stakeholders and the community; taking forward proposals with investors, developers and landowners; and raising the profile of town centres.  Councillors were reminded that the Masterplans were developed from the Council’s strategic documents, such as the Regeneration Statement, taking into account the RED Capital Programme and activities within other Public Sector organisations and relevant Private Sector partners.  Members were reminded of the several awards and nominations that had come forward in respect of regeneration schemes that had been undertaken by Durham County Council, examples being Seaham Marina and The Witham Hall at Barnard Castle.


The Regeneration Projects Manager and Community Economic Development Team Leader took Members through an update of the recent delivery associated with the Masterplans for: Barnard Castle; Bishop Auckland; Chester-le-Street; Consett; Crook; Durham City; Newton Aycliffe; Peterlee; Seaham; Shildon; Spennymoor and Stanley.


The Chairman thanked the Regeneration Projects Manager and the Community Economic Development Team Leader, and asked Members for their questions on the report and presentation.


Members asked questions relating to: any regeneration activities taking place outside of town centres, for example industrial estates; whether “shop local” schemes were geographical or supporting local businesses/producers over national stores; delays in demolition at Newton Aycliffe; Festival Walk at Spennymoor; demolition of the former library at Crook; how Masterplans took into account new opportunities from adjacent areas, such as the investment at Auckland Castle; links to tourism and use of vacant shop units to promote other local activities; any activities to tidy up the shutters along shops at Shildon; the work relating to “11 Arches” at Bishop Auckland; and the former Mothercare and Butcher’s buildings at Bishop Auckland.


In relation to activities outside of town centres themselves, the Regeneration Projects Manager noted examples in the Peterlee and Seaham areas where land was being acquired and parcelled together to enable housing schemes to be carried forward, supporting regeneration of the areas.  The Community Economic Development Team Leader noted that Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) supported “shop local” schemes and the Economic Development Manager, Graham Wood added that the schemes were to try and retain spend within towns.  It was added that there were activities such as “Small Business Saturdays” an American Express sponsored event in conjunction with the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and coordinating of Christmas light switch-ons in order to maximise opportunities for “local” businesses. 



The Community Economic Development Team Leader noted that she would look into the timescales for demolition of Churchill House at Newton Aycliffe and added that Members could speak to her as regards Target Business Improvement (TBI) schemes that are looking at improving shop frontages and shutters.


The Economic Development Manager explained that Festival Walk, Spennymoor had been in private ownership and the Council was in communication with the receivers involved.  It was noted that the retail climate over the last 2-3 years had been challenging and the Council would support any private sector investment coming forward.  The Economic Development Manager noted that there had been interest from The Salvation Army regarding occupation of the former library at Crook, however, this is not being pursued, and planning permission as regards the demolition had been approved.


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained that in relation to the opportunities linked Auckland Castle, the majority of the work linking in were within the Bishop Auckland Masterplan, though the Economic Development Manager noted that Masterplans were “living documents” and would be looked at whenever new opportunities arose in the area or adjacent areas.  The Community Economic Development Team Leader noted that there could be opportunities as regards promoting local tourist attractions via currently vacant shop units, noting that in Stanley work with Visit County Durham (VCD) was taking place regarding a Destination Delivery Plan.  It was added that a TBI at Shildon was to provide high quality vinyl sheets for the shutters and Members could be shown examples.  The Economic Development Manager noted that there were discussions with the Council’s Assets section as regards the situation with former Butcher’s property, working on potential schemes.


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained that the were still legal issues as regards the former Mothercare building, and added that “11 Arches” was one of a number of projects stemming from Auckland Castle, noting that funding for activities would be mixture of private investment and some Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) monies.  It was added that a Funding Team had been established by the Trust and that with the first planning applications expected within the week, this should enable that Team to move forward providing more investor certainty.




(i)          That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the

        information within the presentation.

(ii)         That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee is kept updated

        on an annual basis on the development of the various Masterplans within County          Durham.


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