Agenda item

County Durham Plan

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chairman thanked the Area Planning Team Leader, RED, Gavin Scott who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the County Durham Plan (for copy see file of minutes).



The Area Planning Team Leader reminded the Committee that the County Durham Plan (CDP) was a key document in helping to deliver the Council’s vision and, since the last update to Members of the Committee, the final round of consultation with the public had taken place and the plan had been submitted to Government. 


It was explained that the Planning Inspectorate would evaluate the CDP on behalf of Government, with Mr Harold Stephens having been appointed as the Inspector for the CDP.  The Area Planning Team Leader noted that no exploratory meeting had been called regarding the CDP and the examination proper had begun last week.  It was explained that the evaluation was not meant to be adversarial, was reasonably informal and an independent Programme Officer had been provided to support the Inspector.  Members noted that the venue of the Emirates Durham International Cricket Ground at Chester-le-Street was also independent of the Local Authority and was a well-known and easily accessible venue.  Councillors noted that the process would be in 3 parts: looking at the strategic aspects of the CDP; the details of specific areas and proposals; and the proposed schedule of charges in respect of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).  It was explained that the examination ran until 13 November, with the report set out in the agenda papers providing a link to the Inspector’s programme for the examination.  The Area Planning Team Leader noted that at the first two days of the examination there had been 80 and 110 attendees, a large amount for a planning event.  The Committee noted that an interim report from the Inspector would come after 13 November, to be reported back to Cabinet in due course.


The Chairman thanked the Area Planning Team Leader and asked whether any schemes or areas suggested for removal from the CDP at the Examination in Public stage would prejudice any future development opportunity for that area.  The Area Planning Team Leader explained that in theory, any directions from the Inspector were non-binding, however, the Inspector may suggest alternatives in relation to some sites.  It was added that there was scope within the CDP for “new” sites to come on-stream where circumstances were favourable.




That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the latest position regarding the progress of the County Durham Plan.


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