Agenda item

Bishop Auckland - Parking and Waiting Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding objections received to a proposed road traffic regulation order in Bishop Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the County Council were committed to regularly reviewing traffic regulation orders to ensure that restrictions held within them were relevant and appropriate.  Requests for permit parking in the area concerned had been received on a regular basis for many years from residents who lived close to the town centre and the local hospital. The County Council had given assurances that such areas would be looked at once civil parking enforcement came into operation.


Several streets in Bishop Auckland were eligible for parking permits under the Council’s policy and a ballot of residents had been undertaken on that basis. Three streets had been identified as to where the majority of residents voted for the introduction of parking permits, those being Regent Street, Victoria Avenue and Escomb Road.


The Committee were informed that initial consultation letters, plans and response cards were delivered to directly affected properties in November 2013 with proposed restricted parking to residents for one hour in the morning between 10-11 a.m. and one hour in the afternoon between 2-3 p.m. for all areas.  Following this initial consultation it had been highlighted that the proposed times may not be appropriate for the Escomb Road area.


Escomb Road was adjacent to Bishop Auckland Hospital and was subject to increased levels of parking at all times of the day and the hours of the restriction were reviewed and amended following representations made by residents. An additional ballot was undertaken to amend the hours of the permit scheme on Escomb Road to 12-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. which residents felt would be more beneficial and give them a greater chance of obtaining a parking space once they returned home from work.


Three objections had been received and were summarised for the Committee.


Councillor Kay commented that he had much sympathy for people living on Escomb Road given that people were parking on all day, everyday, on Escomb Road, which was essentially because the nearby hospital charged £2.50 per hour to park.


Councillor Allen, speaking as local Councillor for the area commented that the scheme was vital for the area and would be welcomed by residents and for those people who wished to use businesses nearby.



That the recommendation in the report be agreed.

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