Agenda item

Sedgefield - Parking and Waiting Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding objections received to a proposed change to a traffic regulation order in Sedgefield (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the County Council were committed to regularly reviewing traffic regulation orders to ensure that restrictions held within them were relevant and appropriate.


The Committee were informed that a request had been received from a local business to consider the introduction of some limited waiting bays near their shop to make it accessible for passing trade.  A proposal to implement a Monday-Saturday 9am-6pm, 30 minute, no return with 30 minutes restriction was consulted upon.  Three objections had been received, all of which stated that the introduction of the limited waiting bays would be detrimental to businesses.


Councillor Allen supported the views made by the Dunn Cow Public House and explained that the pub had a very small car park and a 30 minute restriction was too restrictive for their lunchtime trade, especially if people wanted to visit another shop at the same time.


Councillor Stradling felt that the 30 minutes was a relatively short period of time and could potentially be problematic for the local barbers shop (if it was busy) and suggested that it may be more appropriate to have the waiting restriction increased to one hour.


As a result of these discussions the Committee asked officers if the proposed restriction could be amended to one hour, rather than 30 minutes legally, without the need to re-consult, re-advertise and incur further costs.


The Legal Adviser and the Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that relevant legislation would have to be checked to confirm whether this was possible.


The Committee requested that this course of action be undertaken, however, if it was not possible legally, the Committee asked for the matter to be deferred and brought back for consideration to the next meeting.



(i)            That the proposed restriction be amended to one hour, as opposed to the 30 minute restriction outlined in the report, providing this could be legally introduced, without the need to re-consult, re-advertise and incur further costs;


(ii)          That the scheme be deferred and brought back for consideration by the Committee if the amended proposal could not be implemented without the need to re-consult, re-advertise and incur further costs.

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