Agenda item

DM/14/02769/FPA - Unit 1, Durham City Retail Park, McIntyre Way, Durham

External alterations to the existing retail unit and site, including removal of builders yard roof, ground works to builders yard, erection of lighting columns, trolley shelters, bollards, service yard gates and fire exit doors.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding external alterations to the existing retail unit and site, including removal of builders yard roof, ground works to builders yard, erection of lighting columns, trolley shelters, bollards, service yard gates and fire exit doors at Unit 1, Durham City Retail Park, McIntyre Way, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


Barry Gavillet, Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


Chris Creighton, Agents for the joint applicants of B&Q and Morrison Supermarkets informed the Committee that the current B&Q store was too large for current needs and the proposal was to divide the current store between B&Q and Morrison Supermarkets.  The proposal would safeguard the current 115 B&Q jobs and also create some 300 jobs in the Morrison supermarket.  B&Q would continue to operate throughout any works being carried out.


Councillor Conway, local member, informed the Committee that this site had a Certificate of Lawfulness and therefore did not require planning permission for change of use to a supermarket.  Local residents, while in support of the application which would bring greater competition and introduce a new brand name to the area, were concerned about levels of traffic which may be generated in an area which already suffers high levels of traffic.  Concerns were particularly expressed about the impact on High Street, Carrville and Willowtree Avenue, Gilesgate and Councillor Conway requested that the County Council took seriously the issues around traffic in this area.  Councillor Conway Moved approval of the report.


Councillor Davinson asked how the same number of staff as currently employed would continue to be employed at B&Q when the store became half of its current size and Seconded approval of the report.  Councillor Clark then asked whether any alterations were proposed to the external design of the current building.


The Senior Planning Officer replied that no alterations to the external design of the building were proposed, other than signage and requested Mr Creighton to comment on future levels of employment in B&Q.  Mr Creighton informed the Committee that B&Q had already carried out similar alterations in other parts of the country and staffing levels had remained the same.  The shop would sell the same number of goods but would carry less stock.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report.

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