Agenda item

Violence Against Women and Girls - 'One Year On' - Presentation by Sweety Sahani (Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner) and Helen Murphy (Durham Constabulary)


The Panel received a presentation from Sweety Sahani, Staff Officer to the Police and Crime Commissioner, which provided an update on the Regional Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy which was launched in November 2013 (for copy of Strategy and Slides see file of Minutes).


Councillor Boyes asked whether there was a consistency of response from partners involved in the Strategy.  The Staff Officer replied that there was consistency in their responses, adding that the HMIC had highlighted strong partnership working.


Councillor Scott referred to the Alcohol Harm Reduction Unit and asked whether a presentation on the Unit and its work could be made to Darlington Borough Council’s Health Scrutiny Committee.  The Staff Officer replied that this would be possible and she would discuss this further outside of the meeting.


Councillor Harker referred to the wearing of body cameras by police officers when attending domestic abuse incidents and sought clarification around this.  The Staff Officer replied that the Chief Constable had issued a directive that such footage should be taken when attending domestic abuse incidents, although officers needed to be mindful of what the incident was, and added that the use of such video evidence had been accepted by the Crown Prosecution Service.  The Assistant Chief Officer informed the Panel that Durham was the first constabulary to equip every constable and PCSO with body cameras, which while capturing evidence, also had the effect of diffusing offenders and the force receiving fewer complaints.  The force had evaluated the use of body cameras and provided the Home Office with this evaluation.


Councillor Brookes referred to tackling the issue of violence against women and girls being labour-intensive in terms of outcomes, with any successful campaign resulting in increased reporting, and asked how this would be dealt with in terms of resources.  The PCC replied that there was a need to build strategies with partners so that victims of such crimes could also be signposted to partner agencies as well as being dealt with by the police.


Councillor Forster praised the work of the Strategy and of the force in being forward-looking but asked about the issue of abuse towards males.  The PCC replied that although the thrust of the Strategy was towards violence against women and girls, in the future this would be expanded to include same-sex relationships and also abuse towards males.


Councillor Boyes requested that a further update on the Strategy be brought to the Panel in 12 months time.



That the presentation be noted and a further presentation be brought to the Panel in 12 months time.