Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Activity - Work Programme Development - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Panel considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which presented findings and considered proposals to develop the Panel’s work programme following work through ‘task and finish’ group activity (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Brookes considered that the recommendations from the task and finish group would be helpful in taking the work of the Panel forward and  welcomed the proposed two half day Panel training and development sessions.


In reply to a question from Councillor Scott, it was confirmed that Panel substitute Members would be invited to attend the training and development sessions.




(a)          Standard items on the Panel’s agenda include reports on:

(i)      decisions by the PCC;

(ii)     commissioning activity of the PCC in relation to priority areas of the Police and Crime Plan;

(iii)   a presentation focused on an area on delivery of a priority area within the Police and Crime Plan; and

(iv)   feedback reports from HMIC inspections and topical issues

(b)          the Panel’s meeting in December includes a report on the PCC’s Budget and precept consultation.

(c)          the Office of the PCC include Members of the Police and Crime Panel within its circulation of all press releases from the Commissioner

(d)          two half day Panel training and development sessions are arranged throughout the municipal year

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