Agenda item

Conservation of Photographs - Report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees


Charter Trustees considered a report of Clerk to the Charter Trustees regarding a proposal to conserve original photographs of past royal visits which were on display in the Mayor’s parlour in the Town Hall, Durham and were vulnerable to risks of theft, fire, damage, vandalism, and decay (for copy see file of minutes).


The Clerk to the Charter Trustees suggested that the framed photographs be removed and replaced with high quality copies for a minimal cost.


Charter Trustees welcomed the report and were of the opinion to conserve the original photographs in the County Records Office as they were more fragile.


Councillor A Hopgood commented that although the original photographs would be held in the County Records Office at County Hall, they would belong to the Mayoralty of the City of Durham and not owned by the County Council. The Clerk to the Charter Trustees added that photographs in the Mayor’s parlour were identified on the asset list to be transferred to the Charter Trustees for the City of Durham.


Councillor J Blakey asked that the high quality copies be replaced in the original frames to be displayed in the Mayor’s parlour.



That conservation of the royal visit photographs in the Mayor’s parlour by way of high quality copies and the originals stored in archives be agreed.


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