Agenda item

Protocol and Procedures for Civic Occasions - Report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees


Charter Trustees considered a report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees that advised of the protocol arrangements and seek approval for the Mayor to determine matters of precedence and to agree in principle the extent of the invitation list for civic occasions (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor A Hopgood raised concern regarding vesting power in the Mayor of the day to be able to alter the time honoured protocol and procedure as set out in the report and suggested that the Clerk to the Charter Trustees be responsible for the procedures.


Councillor N Foster was confident that the Mayor of the day would not seek to alter the protocol and procedure on anything other than an exceptional circumstance and Trustees should accept that the protocol and procedure would generally apply.


Councillor J Buckham added that if it is accepted that protocol and procedure set out in the report would normally apply then it should only be an exceptional event when a decision should be taken to vary those procedures and the Mayor would be the most appropriate person to make such a decision.


After general discussions it was agreed to vary the wording of Recommendation 1 as follows:


That Charter Trustees note and agree the protocols in the report for attending civic occasions and that the Mayor of the day will decide any changes to orders of precedence in consultation with the Clerk to the Charter Trustees.


Charter Trustees discussed the extent of the invitation list for civic occasions taking into consideration the financial and logistical implications and individuals who had a direct connection with the City of Durham.


Councillor J Armstrong Moved that invitees to civic occasions include Past Chairman of Durham Unitary Council, Past Charter Trustees and Past Mayors of the City of Durham which was Seconded by Councillor J Buckham.


An amendment was Moved by Councillor A Hopgood, Seconded by Councillor

N Martin as follows:


That Charter Trustees agreed to extend the list of invitees to civic occasions to include Past Charter Trustees and Past Mayors of the City of Durham.


After a vote was taken, the amendment was Lost.


A vote was then taken on Councillor J Armstrong’s original Motion as follows:


That Charter Trustees agree to extend the list of invitees to civic occasions to include Past Chairman of Durham Unitary Council, Past Charter Trustees and Past Mayors of the City of Durham.


The motion was Carried.




  • That Charter Trustees noted and agreed the protocols in the report for attending civic occasions and that the Mayor of the day would decide any changes to orders of precedence in consultation with the Clerk to the Charter Trustees.


  • That Charter Trustees agreed to extend the list of invitees to civic occasions to include Past Chairman of Durham Unitary Council, Past Charter Trustees and Past Mayors of the City of Durham.


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