Agenda item

Register of Assets - Agreement for transfer of historic property - Report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees


Charter Trustees considered a report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees that advised of a requirement following last year’s Internal Audit report to complete a register of assets (for copy see file of minutes).


The Clerk to the Charter Trustees referred to the outcome of previous meetings from 2010 and 2011 with Durham County Council regarding suitable division of ownership and retention of various assets which were listed on a colour coded schedule.


Charter Trustees discussed the background and referred to previous reports culminating in that to the meeting of 19 July 2011 with schedule of assets and also to a written opinion of Judge Richard Lowdon’s upon interpretation of The Charter Trust Regulations 2009.


Councillor J Blakey suggested that a working group be established to revisit the Register of Assets and progress an agreement upon the transfer of historic property.



That a cross party working group be established comprising of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two other Trustees to be decided outside the meeting to seek agreement upon transfer of historic property and to revisit the Register of Assets.


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