Agenda item

Housing Strategy - Overview

(i)              Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development.

(ii)             Presentation by the Principal Policy Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman introduced the Principal Policy Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development, Graeme Smith to speak to Members in relation to the Housing Strategy 2015-2020 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Policy Officer reminded Members that DCC was a Strategic Housing Authority and therefore a Housing Strategy was required to set out: key issues that would need to be addressed; activities that were taking place to address issues; and to provide a framework for partnership engagement.  It was added that an Action Plan was produced and this would be updated annually to reflect any changes as required.  It was noted that the current Strategy was for the period 2010-2015 and had been developed around 3 objectives: Altogether Better Housing Markets; Altogether Better Housing Standards; and Altogether Better at Housing People.  It was explained that the new Strategy would build upon the existing Strategy, support partnership working and reflect the existing policy framework, noting national, regional and DCC policies including: the North East LEP Strategic Economic Plan and the Council’s Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), County Durham Regeneration Statement and County Durham Plan (CDP).


The Committee learned that the CDP, and other plans and programmes, helped to provide an evidence base to underpin the Housing Strategy and a range of experts have been involved in scoping the evidence base. 

Councillors noted that it was proposed to develop the Strategy with 5 objectives under 2 aims, the aims being Better Housing Delivery and Standards and Better Housing Support.  Members learned that the new Strategy was delivery focused and the objectives under Better Housing Delivery and Standards were: Delivery of more homes and improvement of the housing stock;.  Members noted that the objectives under Better Housing Support were housing support for older and vulnerable people; anti-poverty and access to housing.  The Committee noted a number of issues that the Strategy would need to address, though it was added that the list as set out in the presentation was not exhaustive.  Councillors noted a list of key dates within the development of the Housing Strategy, with the final report to go to for final approval by Members in May-June 2015, and further information on the context of the Strategy to be given to Members at the meeting of the Committee in February.  


The Chairman thanked the Principal Policy Officer  and asked Members for their questions on the report.


Councillors asked questions in relation to: types of housing being built, for example are there too many 3 storey “town houses” and not enough bungalows; whether the percentage of affordable housing as set out within planning conditions were being met, or whether Developers were negotiating fewer affordable units and building on “greenbelt” land. 


The Principal Policy Officer  explained that these elements of the Housing Strategy would reflect the County Durham Plan.  It was noted that the aging population was reflected in the Housing Strategy and the CDP, with Policy 31 of the County Durham Plan setting out that in order to meet the needs of the County’s ageing population, 10% of new housing should be developed to increase the housing options for older people..  The Chairman noted that further information would be brought forward at the February meeting of the Committee.


Members noted examples of housing need in their Divisions, highlighting that different areas across the County had different requirements and asked as regards whether remodelling existing properties, returning voids to the market or building new properties would best help meet housing need and whether the Housing Strategy would take on board the difference across the County.  The Principal Policy Officer  noted that the new Housing Strategy would be developed in a spatial context and the associated Action Plan would be structured by delivery areas where appropriate..  




(i)          That the report be noted.

(ii)         That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further report detailing feedback from partners and providing an update on the development of the Strategy at the meeting on 20 February 2015.


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