Agenda item

Paradise Lane, Easington Colliery - Proposed No Waiting At Any Time - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding representations received to the proposed introduction of a No Waiting At Any Time restriction on Paradise Lane, Easington Colliery (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Highway Manager informed the Committee that representations had been received from the local County Councillors on behalf of residents to investigate the possibility of establishing a No Waiting at Any Time parking restriction to discourage indiscriminate parking and reduce vehicles obstructing the highway at the junction of Paradise Lane and Paradise Lane, Easington.


During the informal consultation period on the proposal 6 responses in favour were received and 7 against.  No formal objections were received during the statutory advertisement of the proposals.


The Committee then heard from one of the objectors who raised the following issues:

·       The proposal would have a devastating impact on the off licence and tanning salon businesses located on the junction

·       The restriction would lead to people shopping elsewhere which could result in business closures and job losses, in an area of already high unemployment

·       The tanning salon was planning to expand and these plans could be jeopardised should the restriction be implemented


Councillor Stradling informed the Committee that the proposal was being considered as a road safety issue and asked how far along Paradise Lane the double yellow lines were proposed.  The Strategic Highway Manager indicated the length of the proposed restriction on both side of Paradise Lane from its junction with Seaside Lane as well as the length of the restriction on Seaside Lane to improve the visibility splay at the junction.  The police were in support of the proposal because of problems which had been encountered by buses at the junction.


Councillor Stradling informed the Committee that while he had some reservations about the proposed length of the restriction, he moved approval of the recommendations in the report because the proposal had the support of the two local County Councillors.  Councillor Hopper seconded approval of the report.


The Strategic Highway Manager informed the Committee that the restriction would be subject to monitoring and the results of this would be brought back to Committee after it had been in operation for some 6 months.



That the implementation of No Waiting At Any Time restriction be approved and feedback be brought to the Committee when the restriction had been monitored.

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