Agenda item

Strategic Risk Management Progress Report for the quarter ending September 2014


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Resources which highlighted the strategic risks facing the Council and that gave an insight into the work carried out by the Corporate Risk Management Group during July to September 2014 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Risk, Assurance and Governance Manager informed the Committee that there were 31 strategic risks, and 5 key risks. He reported an emerging risk in respect to backdating pay claims and that the risks were being managed effectively.


On answering a question from Councillor C Carr about a date from Government about notifiers the Corporate Director, Resources explained that the figures had not been finalised but would be brought back to Committee once known.  Councillor Carr asked for an update about the new banking contract and if the collection from schools service would be discussed with the new bankers.  Members were concerned that not all schools had the resources to pay for a collection service.  The Corporate Director, Resources advised that the authority had been through the tender process for a new banker and had a preferred bidder.  The decision would be announced in a few weeks time.  With regards to collection services, all schools had been sent a letter and had been asked to reduce the cash flow and to make the retention of cash in schools safer.  The process would need to be streamlined as none of the banks offered the same service as the Co-op bank by being able to pay in at the local post office.  The cost of a pick-up from school would be £11.50 per collection.  The new arrangements would affect some small primary schools and assurances were given that the changes would be phased in and officers would be working with staff in schools from January.


Mr T Hoban pointed out a typo in Appendix 3 of the report as some wording had been duplicated.  The Risk, Assurance and Governance Manager advised that the last bullet point on the page should read:-


·         The risk assessed as Moderate/ highly probable is ‘Potential restitution of search fees going back to 2005’.



That the report, together with the amendment listed above, provides assurance that strategic risks are being effectively managed within the risk management framework across the Council.

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