Agenda item

Annual Audit Letter


The Committee received the Annual Audit Letter 2013/14 from Mazars summarising the 2013/14 audit of Durham County Council and Durham County Council Pension Fund (for copy see file of Minutes).


Ms C Banks, Mazars advised that all deadlines had been met and good processes were in place.  She advised that the report would now be sent to the Audit Commission and would be published on their website.  Members were advised that if the accounting deadline was brought forward it would be a tough challenge for finance staff.  Ms Larkin-Bramley suggested that a working group should be established to look at this if agreed to change the dates.  The Corporate Director, Resources said that it would be a huge challenge for the authority but on a more positive note Oracle had now bedded in and there were better reporting systems in place.

Ms Larkin-Bramley asked that if any changes were introduced that the Committee be given assurances that plans were in place.


Ms Banks advised that Mazars were aiming to sign off on the accounts and the whole of government accounts (WGA) on the same day next year so the certificate could be issued on 30 September 2014.



That the contents of the letter are noted.

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