Agenda item

Notice of Key Decisions - Report of Head of Legal and Democratic Services


The Board considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services that provided a list of key decision which were scheduled to be considered by the Executive

(for copy see file of minutes).


The Committee Services Manager reported that since the last update there had

been the following movement in items being considered at Cabinet:-


  • 2015/16 General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget and MTFP 5 and Council Plan and Service Plans had been added for consideration in January and February;
  • Atom Bank Scheme and Bishop Auckland Regeneration Framework Review had been added to the plan for February;
  • Housing Stock Transfer Update had been moved to February, with a completion update being reported in May;
  • Framework for the Future Provision of Fixed Play Sites had been removed from the notice with the date to be confirmed due to consultation with members.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Committee Services Manager advised that the purdah period would commence from the 30 March 2015, and advice was being provided to services on how it affected reporting at committees.



That the information contained in the report be noted.


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