Agenda item

CMA/5/31 - Sheraton Hill and Hulam Farms, Sheraton, Hutton Henry, County Durham

Erection of 5 no. wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 115m and associated buildings and works


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of 5 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 115 metres and associated building works at Sheraton Hill and Hulam Farms, Sheraton, Hutton Henry, County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


Henry Jones, Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout.  Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Senior Planning Officer informed the Committee that, since the publication of the report, the applicant had held discussions with Durham Tees Valley Airport.  As a result of these discussions, Durham Tees Valley Airport were satisfied that a radar mitigation solution could be agreed to be included in planning conditions should the application be approved, and therefore they withdrew their objection.  Should the Committee refuse the application, this reason for refusal would need to be removed from the recommendation contained in the report.


Councillor Pounder, Local Member, addressed the Committee to object to the application.  She informed the Committee that she was also speaking on behalf of the other Local Member for the area and concurred with the recommendation in the report that the application should be refused.  There was currently an over-supply of wind farms in County Durham and in the area of the application another wind farm would be detrimental to local residents.  The proposal had generated a significant response with 131 letters of objection received, and this reflected the strength of public opinion.  Councillor Pounder referred to the comments of the CPRE which were detailed at paragraph 203 of the report regarding concerns over the impact of the turbines upon the tranquillity of the area and informed the Committee that the turbines would have an overbearing visual impact on the residents of Hesleden.  Councillor Pounder urged the Committee to refuse the application.


Margaret Hanson of EDF Energy, Project Manager for the Sheraton Wind Farm addressed the Committee.  She informed the Committee that Government policy was supportive of renewable energy and this was also acknowledged by County Council policy, with an independent report for the County Council identifying the Sheraton site as being suitable for wind farm development.  The recommendation for refusal of the application was disappointing with two reasons for refusal being considered.  Insufficient weight had been given in the report of the Planning Officer to the importance of renewable energy.  Although the report mentioned a significant visual impact of the proposed wind farm, this would be from one view only, not to the wider landscape, and existing wind farms and pylons were already in view.  Extensive surveys had shown there to be limited wildlife in the area and the County’s Ecology Officers had failed to comment on the proposal until two months ago.  The RSPB and Natural England had raised no objections to the proposal.  The proposal would bring a range of economic benefits and would produce enough electricity to supply approximately 5,400 homes.  If approved, the application would ensure that County Durham would continue to take the lead nationally on wind farm development and the benefits of the proposal outweighed the limited impacts of it.


Councillor P Taylor informed the Committee that he was supportive of the view of the local Member regarding the impact and effect the proposal would have on the settlement of Hesleden and moved the recommendation that the application be refused.


Councillor G Richardson agreed with Councillor Taylor adding that because there were already wind farms nearby, the cumulative effect of this proposal would be overbearing.  He seconded the recommendation that the application be refused.


Councillor C Marshall referred to the ecology study data being out of date and asked why it had taken so long for this information to be fed back to the applicant.  The Senior Planning Officer replied that the data was out of date because of the progression of time and updated survey data had not been supplied.  The issue of the data being out of date was raised with the applicant earlier in the process than two months ago and the issue of data being out of date had increased as the age of the application had increased.


Terry Coult, Principal Ecologist informed the Committee that he had provided responses throughout the consultation process.  While the RSPB and Natural England had not objected to the proposal, the County Council was the appropriate authority to make comment on protected areas.


Councillor A Shield informed the Committee that while County Durham was taking the lead in the delivery of renewable energy it had already exceeded its 2020 targets, and he therefore supported the officer recommendation of refusal of the application.  The Senior Planning Officer, referring to the issue of need, informed the Committee that ultimately there was no ceiling for the production of renewable energy, and therefore this had not been considered as an issue when determining the application.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be refused for reasons 1 and 3 as stated in the report.

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