Agenda item

2015/16 Budget Setting Process - Report of the Treasurer


Charter Trustees considered a report of the Treasurer which sought agreement on the timetable and process for setting the budget and council tax requirement for the Charter Trustees for 2015/16 (for copy see file of  minutes).


The Treasurer informed Trustees that a pay award for employees had been agreed at 2.2% with effect from 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2016 which would be reported to Cabinet in December 2014.


Due to no major changes to the budget, Trustees decided that a working group would not be necessary as Trustees agreed at the meeting held on the 8 January 2014 to utilise the reserves to maintain Band D Council Tax at £1.90 for a five year period (2014/15 to 2018/19). 



(i)            That the budget requirement for 2015/16 be approved.

(ii)          That the basic level of council tax of £1.90 be approved.


Supporting documents: