Agenda item

DM/14/03093/FPA - Bristol Street Motors, Abbey Road, Pity Me, Durham, DH1 5DQ

Alterations to front elevation to create extra floor space to existing showroom area


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding alterations to front elevation to create extra floor space to existing showroom area at Bristol Street Motors, Abbey Road, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5DQ (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. 


Councillor M Wilkes, local Member, addressed the Committee. He declared that he lived in close proximity to the application site though was attending the Committee to speak on local concerns.


Members were advised that Abbey Road was an extremely busy highway. On the area of the highway directly adjacent to the garage, there would regularly be 4-6 vehicles parked to which the police had been called on a number of occasions. Furthermore transporters would unload on the main highway and Councillor Wilkes warned that as less workroom was proposed, then backed up vehicles could potentially be parked on Abbey Road awaiting work. In addition, additional  sales space would inevitably increase visitors to the showroom, which in turn would need to park on Abbey Road.


Councillor Wilkes advised that the cars parked on the highway resulted in there being no pull in points and so no overtaking space which made for an unsafe environment on Abbey Road.


Members were advised that Councillor Wilkes was not seeking refusal of the application, rather that a condition be imposed to regularise parking on the highway. He acknowledged this would be a task for the Highways Department to introduce parking regularisation such as double yellow lines on the highway to create pull in points.


Councillor Wilkes recognised that in suggesting the restriction of parking on Abbey Road, that there was an increased likelihood of parking occurring in the nearby residential area where he lived, however he felt that on balance, this was acceptable compared to the potential significant safety issues on the main highway.


The Principal Planning Officer and the Highways Officer responded to the points raised as follows:-


·         Transporters – this was to be treated as a separate issue and could be referred for enforcement action if there was evidence that the problem of unloading transporters was problematic;

·         Workrooms – The reduction in workroom space would actually result in a reduction of business at the garage, though concurrently the increased showroom would increase visitors. As such it was anticipated that the footfall at the garage would balance itself out and any potential level of increase would not warrant a condition. Only a minor change in the internal floorspace arrangements was being proposed rather than an increase in floorspace.

·         Highways had looked at the alterations proposed to the existing building and considered that traffic movements would be offset – increased visitors would be balanced with less workroom business.

·         Abbey Road – While it was acknowledged that vehicles had a tendency to be parked on the highway, there was no evidence that the proposed changes at the garage would result in additional danger. There may be a need to reconsider the situation when changes occurred on the highway network, but not at the present time on the basis of the current application.


Councillor Bell suggested that notwithstanding the points raised by the officers, there might now be an ideal opportunity to introduce parking restrictions on Abbey Road.


Councillor Conway was persuaded by the concerns raised not only by the local Member, but also by the local Parish Council. It was clear that there was an issue at Abbey Road he therefore supported the suggested condition.


Councillor Kay agreed that applying mitigation now would prevent future problems arising and he moved that the application be approved with the addition of a condition to restrict parking on Abbey Road. He further stated that the exact manner in which parking restrictions should be applied, should be discussed between officers and local Members.


The Solicitor advised that the imposition of lines on the highway was a matter which was not within the control of the applicant, as such the imposition of a condition on the application was problematic.


The Highways Officer clarified that a legal process had to be followed before the implementation of a Traffic Regulation Order. There was therefore no guarantee that a TRO could be implemented even with a condition being imposed on the application and he warned that if lines were introduced on the highway, vehicles would park up to those lines.


The Highways Officer further advised that there was no evidence of existing danger on Abbey Road in the first place and the issue being raised should be addressed as a highways issue.


In response to a query from Councillor J Clark, the Highways Officer agreed that as there was no intention to make any changes to the outside layout of the garage, then all current carparking spaces could be utilised.


In response to a suggestion from Councillor Kay, the Solicitor advised that if minded, the Committee could express a wish for a traffic survey to be undertaken in the area and to then be considered in due course by the Highways Committee.


Councillor Freeman supported the course of action suggested by Councillor Kay. He felt that increased traffic on Abbey Road would be inevitable should the application be approved and therefore undertaking a traffic survey.


Councillor Lethbridge moved approval of the application which was seconded by Councillor Davinson.



“That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report and that, in line with the Committee’s wishes, officers and local Members worked together, share and address concerns, following which a report be prepared to be explored further by the Highways Committee”.


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