Agenda item

DM/14/02796/FPA - Land to the South of Bradyll Street, Kelloe, Durham

Earthworks including infilling and levelling (part retrospective) to facilitate use of land for agriculture, erection of a general purpose agricultural building, timber screen fencing, temporary siting of 2 No. storage containers and retention of 1 No. caravan to provide site facilities (non-residential)


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding earthworks including infilling and levelling (part retrospective) to facilitate use of land for agriculture, erection of a general purpose agricultural building, timber screen fencing, temporary siting of 2 no. storage containers and retention of 1 no. caravan to provide site facilities (non-residential) at land to the south of Bradyll Street, Kelloe, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout.  Members of the Committee had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.


Members were advised of a late representation from local Members Councillors J Blakey and M Plews who had contacted the Planning Officer by email on 8 December 2014 having only just become aware of the application. The Councillors objected to the application in previously submitting an objection and had requested that the matter be brought before the Committee for determination.


A letter of objection had also been received from local Member Councillor M Williams. Further to an issue which had been raised by Councillor Williams, the Committee were advised that a Compulsory Purchase Order was not a planning matter.  It would be a matter for Asset Management.


Councillor Lethbridge commented that having viewed the site earlier that day, the proposals seemed straightforward, though he did warn that rocks in that area would be subject to fissuring.  Due to the number of activities proposed for the site, he did not feel in possession of sufficient knowledge with which to vote on the matter.


Councillor A Bell felt it was obvious from the site visit that the area of land had stood in its current condition for in excess of 60 years, he therefore welcomed the proposals to improve the area.


Councillor Kay seconded the motion for approval. While he acknowledged that the application had caused some contention within the local community, he could not see any reason to refuse the application when taking into account material planning considerations.



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report.



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