Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close referred Members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).  The articles included: Barratt Homes forecasting 600 jobs within the North East to support housebuilding plans; a boost of 90 jobs over the next 5 years at Kromek, based at NETPark; and two articles relating to the item on the agenda looking at Skills Development, employers noting a lack of “soft skills” and North East School Leaders dispelling the myth of low aspirations amongst teenagers, identifying the need for more support for young people and strengthening for the networks and collaboration between schools and employers.




That the presentation be noted.


The Chairman noted that in respect of the Agenda Item 9 relating to the Housing Strategy, the Inspector’s Interim Report on the County Durham Plan had identified options for the Council to consider and until the Council had reviewed the Inspector’s options it would be difficult to provide an update on the development of the Housing Strategy.  Accordingly, the presentation would be rescheduled for a future meeting of the Committee.  In addition, it was agreed to take Agenda Item 11 as Item 8, with Agenda Item 8 becoming Item 9.