Agenda item

Quarter 3, 2014/15 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager, Regeneration and

Economic Development, Graham Tebbutt who was in attendance to speak to Members in

relation to the Quarter 3, 2014/15 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of



The Performance and Planning Manager reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 3 included: 144 private sector properties being improved through Local Authority interventions, the total since April 279 ahead of target; 219 apprenticeships started through DCC funded schemes, ahead of target; and the success rate for adult skills funded provision had improved from the previous academic year.


Members noted information relating to Tracker Indicators including: the numbers claiming JobSeekers Allowance (JSA) continued to fall; the number claiming JSA for 12 months or more continued to fall; a reduction in homelessness presentations; the number on the housing register classed as in reasonable preference groups had reduced; and the number of those rehoused via DKO had reduced.  It was added that: numbers were improving in terms of net homes completed quarter on quarter; the percentage of homes completed in and near major settlements was higher than the previous year, in line with the previous quarter; the figures for those 16-18 year olds Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) were improved in comparison to last year, higher than the regional figures, however, still lower than the national average; and the percentage of “not knowns” in relation to NEETs was 4.4%, better than the averages for statistical neighbours, the North East region and England.


Members noted progress with Council Plan actions, including: a draft design for flood mitigation at Elvet Waterside; assessment work for Millburngate House; site investigation as regards a Western Relief Road, with the next steps for the County Durham Plan (CDP) being considered; the new County Durham Housing Group having recruited its Chief Executive and Directors.  Members noted: refurbishment of Gypsy Roma Traveller sites; the roll out of the Digital Durham Programme; and enterprise initiatives including the launch of the 2014-15 Future Business Magnates competition.


It was added that the key performance issues for the theme were: delivery of 91 affordable homes this quarter, below target of 120; and the 208 potential jobs created or safeguarded through projects with existing businesses being below the quarterly target of 600.  It was added the total since April being 1,058, below the profiled target of 1,200.


Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including: a slight increase in the employment rate, a slight reduction in the proportion of the working age population not in work who want to work; and an expected decrease in the number of visitors to core attractions in the April to September 2014 period from the previous year, noting the high visitor numbers last year as a result of Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition.


Councillors learned that Council Plan actions which had not achieved target included: the County Durham Plan, the Council still considering the Inspector’s interim feedback; the development and implementation of real time travel information; and provision of new car park spaces at North Bondgate, Bishop Auckland delayed by one month, with a revised completion date of November 2015.    


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Planning Manager and asked Members for their questions on the report.


Councillors asked questions in relation to: whether Developers were renegotiating the number of affordable homes throughout the County; more information in terms of JSA figures and “working age population not in work who wanted to work”; the “not known” figures in relation to NEETs; a breakdown as regards the areas where the 144 private sector properties brought back into use by DCC interventions; and information relating to the value of new jobs created, for example were they part-time or zero-hour contracts compared to full-time jobs that may have been lost.


The Performance and Planning Manager explained that while Developers would look to maximise profits on developments, the number of affordable homes delivered through specific schemes was greater than those gained through those within mixed developments.  Members noted that the “working age population not in work who wanted to work” was a figure derived from a sample survey, while the JSA figures were based on raw data, although those undertaking training via the Work Programme would not be reflected in the JSA figures.  Councillors noted that it was difficult to get information for “not knowns” and sometimes those “not known” in one quarter were then “known” the next, although the current figure of 4.4% was very good in comparison to figures from the recent past of around 10%. 


The Performance and Planning Manager noted that Cluster Bid funding was used for getting properties back into use, and also for environmental works to improve the streetscape, and that re-profiling of environmental works and group repairs had led to some delays.  Members noted that in respect of employment rate and the value of jobs being created, the Performance and Planning Manager thought it may be possible to obtain the sector codes to try and provide additional information.  The Vice-Chairman, Councillor A Batey suggested that comparisons of NI contributions might be able to show the value of jobs that had been created.  The Performance and Planning Manager noted he had not seen NI information used as a proxy indicator in that way, however, he would look into the issue.




That the report be noted.

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