Agenda item

Council Plan 2015-18 - Refresh of the Work Programme

Report of Assistant Chief Executive.


The Chairman asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to speak to Members in relation to the Council Plan 2015-2018 - Refresh of the Work Programme for the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that the report was the first opportunity for Members to comment in the usual annual process of setting the work programme for the Committee, in the context of the “Altogether Wealthier” priority theme as set out in the Council Plan 2015-2018.


Members were reminded that the next meeting of the Committee would consider a draft work programme based upon the comments from Members brought forward at the meeting today.  Councillors noted the “Altogether Wealthier” section of the Draft Council Plan was attached at Appendix 2 to the report in the agenda pack.


The Committee noted that the work undertaken by the Committee over the last year was set out within the report at paragraph 9 of the report and it was for Members to suggest topics for further investigation, taking on board issues raised from performance reporting, upcoming legislation and issues discussed at the Committee. 


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that Paragraph 11 highlighted gaps within the work programme with paragraph 12 setting out those issues that were cross-cutting with other “Altogether” themes.  Members were reminded of the ongoing overview work of the Committee in terms of performance and budgetary review, issues carried forward from the 2014/15 work programme for inclusion in the future work programme such as EU Funding, work of Business Durham, Combined Authority, work of the County Durham Economic Partnership, Housing Strategy, Masterplans, County Durham Plan, Youth Employment Initiative, skills development and systematic reviews of the recommendations contained in two previous Scrutiny review reports.  


The Chairman thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer and noted that any comments or suggestions for potential topics for future reviews could be forward to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer for inclusion in the report to be considered at the June meeting. 


Councillor J Armstrong reminded Members that reviews would need to be taken in the context of capacity and in terms of being achievable and adding value.  The Vice-Chairman, Councillor A Batey agreed and asked as regards mapping the progression of apprentices to see where they go after their apprenticeships are completed, or look at reasons why someone would leave an apprenticeship.


Councillor D Hall noted the rebranding of the Social Inclusion Strategy as an “Anti-Poverty Strategy” and suggested this as a topic for inclusion in the work programme. 




(i)              That the information set out in the Council Plan 2015-2018 Altogether Wealthier

theme be noted.

(ii)             That the Committee refresh the Work Programme considering the actions identified

under the Altogether Wealthier theme.

(iii)           That the Committee consider a further report detailing the Work Programme 2015-

2016 at its meeting 23 June 2015.

Supporting documents: