Agenda item

Joint working arrangements between the Police and Crime Panel and Overview and Scrutiny Committees - Report of Assistant Chief Executive, Durham County Council


The Panel considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which sought agreement to continue joint working arrangements between the Durham Police and Crime Panel (PCP) and Overview and Scrutiny arrangements at Durham County Council and Darlington Borough Council (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor D Boyes advised that while he agreed with the recommendations set out in the report, he would welcome the opportunity for the Scrutiny function, in particular the Safer and Stronger Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to have more involvement with the work of the PCP. Councillor J Armstrong highlighted that all Overview and Scrutiny Committees were at liberty to set their own work programmes on an annual basis so could opt to have more involvement in issues relating to policing, though it would be important to ensure there was no duplication of work.





a)    The approach for joint working between the Police and Crime Panel , Durham County Council’s Safer and Stronger Communities OSC and Darlington Borough Council’s Monitoring and Co-ordinating Group, be agreed;

b)    The joint working arrangements be reviewed in 12 months.

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