Agenda item

DM/14/02320/FPA - The Cooperage, Durham Road, Bowburn

Demolition of existing public house and erection of retail and office building with associated parking and landscaping.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the demolition of existing public house and erection of retail and office building with associated parking and landscaping at The Cooperage, Durham Road, Bowburn (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer provided the Committee with a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and a plan of the proposed layout. Members of the Committee had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting. The Senior Planning Officer advised of late amendments to be made to the application as follows:-

Amended condition 7


The bus box forming part of the bus stop to the south east of the site on Crow Trees Lane shall be reduced in size in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to development commencing. Neither the retail unit nor the offices shall be brought into use until the alteration of the bus box has been completed.


Reason: In the interests of Highway Safety and to comply with Policy T1 of the City of Durham Local Plan 2004.


Additional Condition 8


A one way system shall be introduced to the car park to exit onto Crow Trees Lane in accordance with details, including a signage scheme, to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to development commencing. Neither the retail unit nor the offices shall be brought into use until the one way system is in place, and it shall remain in place while the development exists.


Reason: In the interests of HighwaySafety and to comply with Policy T1 of the City of Durham Local Plan 2004.



Mr J White, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee. Members were advised that the applicant had worked closely with the Planning Authority for 12 months to fine tune the application, ensuring that traditional materials would be used and that the 21 car parking spaces would be provided.


Councillor J Blakey, local Member, addressed the Committee. She was very familiar with the site and advised that she had highway concerns, particularly in relation to the number of car parking spaces. She felt that 21 spaces would be somewhat congested and would result in highway issues. Members were advised that bollards had been installed in the vicinity of the site as a road safety measure to prevent cars from pulling up and parking on the roadside. Councillor Blakey also advised that since the new road layout had been implemented at the nearby roundabout onto the A1M, traffic regularly came to a standstill in the village and there was added confusion on the network. Councillor Blakey was therefore concerned that cars entering and exiting the application site would only add to those highway pressures.


Councillor Blakey raised further concerns relating to drainage, sewerage and overflowing manholes.


The Highways Officer responded to the points raised as follows:-


·         The site was indeed surrounded by bollards to prevent parking on the main road as such the Highways Authority was not concerned about indiscriminate parking. The nearby bus stop also prohibited parking on the highway.

·         In relation to the 21 car parking spaces, national comparisons had been made and the Highways Authority was satisfied that the 21 spaces could be comfortably accommodated. It was estimated that in peak times there would be approximately 39-51 trips to and from the car park, with vehicles parking there for a maximum of 20 minutes.


Councillor A Bell fully supported the application, believing the proposed development would complement the street. He did query whether visibility would be impaired for vehicles exiting the car park if there happened to be a bus parked at the bus stop. The Highways Officer clarified that was the reason behind the intention to shorten the bus stop, to extend visibility and to allow a suitable access to be developed. The Committee was advised that only one bus per hour used the stop and Members were further advised that a one way system would be implemented at the car park so vehicles would only exit next to the bus stop.


In response to a query from Councillor Laing, the Senior Planning Officer clarified that condition 6 would deal with the issue of surface water drainage and as such the developer would be required to produce a suitable scheme. It was further highlighted that Drainage Officers were satisfied with the proposals and Northumbrian Water had not raised any objections.


In response to a query from Councillor M Davinson, the Senior Planning Officer clarified that paragraph 37 related to the NPPF and that Design and Conservation could see no justification to remove the building. In terms of the replacement not being considered to be a suitable quality, Members were advised that while Design and Conservation may have preferred to see more outstanding design proposals, the Planning Authority was satisfied with them.


Councillor J Lethbridge accepted that there were highways issues however was satisfied with the explanations put forward by officers. He believed the proposals would be good improvement for Bowburn and he moved that the application be approved.


In response to a query from Councillor J Clark, Mr J White, agent, clarified that the applicant envisaged that the majority of employees would be from the local area and so would not need to park vehicles at the development. It was indeed in the developer’s best interests to utilise all parking spaces for customers.


Councillor M Williams, local Member, addressed the Committee. He advised that there were drainage issues in the vicinity of the site, the manhole at the front of the premises was the first in the village to lift with foul water whenever there were drainage problems. He further advised that he and his colleague local Members had the bollards placed as well as a pedestrian crossing to try to mitigate against highway safety issues. He reiterated the issues raised by Councillor Blakey regarding traffic at a standstill through the village due to the new road layout at the roundabout.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that notwithstanding the current planning application, the public house could have been re-opened which would itself have generated traffic.


Councillor A Laing seconded the motion to approve the application and upon a vote being taken it was;


RESOLVED:- “That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report”.


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