Agenda item

Implications for Durham County Council of the Government's Policy Programme - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive that provided an update on the implications of the Government’s policy programme, major policy developments and announcements and provided an analysis of the implications for the Council and County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Head of Policy and Communications highlighted the most significant announcements since the last report to Members which relate to the following:


·                     Autumn Statement;

·                     Local authority funding;

·                     Welfare reform;

·                     Queen’s speech;

·                     Transformation Challenge Fund;

·                     Public procurement;

·                     Economic growth and devolution;

·                     Planning reform proposals;

·                     Transport funding;

·                     Social mobility and poverty issues;

·                     Care Act;

·                     Integration of health and social care;

·                     Criminal Justice and Courts Bill;

·                     Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act;

·                     Counter Terrorism and Security Bill;

·                     Children and Families Act;

·                     Early years and schools funding.


Councillor Hopgood requested clarification regarding the announcement for LEP funding for the creation of the western relief road, The Head of Policy and Communications recalled the announcement was made in July subject to approval of the County Durham Plan, however he would clarify.


Councillor Shield raised concerns that focus for funding had been on projects in the Centre and South of the County with very little emphasis on North Durham. The Chairman commented that local areas have to bid to receive funding from the LEP and advised that the Government still had to agree a mechanism for finance and delivery. The Head of Policy and Communication added that funding was linked with the work of the Combined Authority and the economic plan for the region.


Commending the stance the Council had taken on payday lenders, Councillor Hillary questioned whether it could be extended to other companies. The Chairman pointed out that other avenues were available to avoid excessive prices.


In response to a query from Councillor R Bell regarding Universal credit, the Head of Policy and Communications advised that the scheme was supported by all political parties. An announcement would be made when the scheme was rolled out nationally after underlying processes had been resolved. He added that engagement would continue with claimants, partners and assured members that they would be fully informed.



That the information contained in the report and the actions taken to anticipate and respond to the government’s reforms be noted.


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