Agenda item

Strategic Risk Management Progress Report for the Quarter period October to December 2014


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Resources which highlighted the strategic risks facing the Council and that gave an insight into the work carried out by the Corporate Risk Management Group during October to December 2014 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Risk, Assurance and Governance Manager informed the Committee that there were 31 strategic risks with the removal of one since the last report, and the addition of another, and 5 key risks.  He advised of the new risk identified:-


‘Additional operational and financial burdens as a result of a recent supreme court judgement relating to the threshold applied in determining whether an individual is deprived of their liberty’.


Following a question from Mr T Hoban about what had created the risk, the Risk, Assurance and Governance Manager advised that the deprivation of liberty scheme allow for an assessment to be carried out on an individual within 21 days.  The recent judgement would result in a significant increase from 200 referrals a year to 1000+.  He added that the risk was around trying to match the operating costs with the financial burden and the deprivation of liberty.  He advised that CAS had looked at efficiencies to streamline the process and confirmed that extra resources would be allocated.


Ms K Larkin-Bramley pointed out that there would be a risk to other partners in the health sector and that the risk could increase in future years.


The Corporate Director, Resources advised that the Local Government Association were lobbying government as felt that this was a new burden on local authorities.  Government were advising that these claims had always been in the system but the argument being put forward was that this was a capacity issue.  He confirmed that this issue was on the risk register to ensure we managed as effectively as possible.


The Risk, Assurance and Governance Manager advised that one of the key risks relating to search fees would be agreed by the end of the financial year.  Councillor O Temple asked about the likely cost for this and was informed by the Corporate Director, Resources that the £1m of earmarked reserves would cover the cost that could run into several hundred thousands.



That the report provides assurance that strategic risks are being effectively managed within the risk management framework across the Council.


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