Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting held on the 13 February 2015


The minutes of the meeting held on the 13 February 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The Head of Planning and Performance referred to Item 5 of the minutes of the meeting held on the 13 February regarding Councillor R Bell’s query on social care spend. She advised that work was still ongoing, however a meeting had been arranged with Councillor Bell and the Head of Policy and Communications and details would be available then.


Referring to item 6 of the minutes regarding Citizen Advice Bureau’s and management of welfare issues, The Head of Planning and Performance advised that she had contacted the Revenue and Benefits Manager and he confirmed that formal arrangements were in place.


Referring to item 7 of the minutes regarding clarification on LEP funding, the Head of Planning and Performance advised that details of the July spending announcement had been forwarded to Councillor Hopgood.



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