Agenda item

Reviewing the Police and Crime Plan 2015-17 - Report of Chief of Staff


The Panel considered a report of the Chief of Staff of the Police and Crime Commissioner which provided a refreshed Police and Crime Plan for 2015-17 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Commissioner presented his revised Police and Crime Plan for 2015-2017 and provided the Panel with information about the contents of the Plan.


Councillor Hovvels informed the Panel that the revised plan provided a comprehensive document which, in a succinct approach, clearly identified the PCC’s vision, objectives, key areas of focus, how these would be delivered through partnership working and measurements for outcomes and holding the Chief Constable to account.


Councillor Jones referred to the priority relating to domestic violence and a recent presentation he had attended in Darlington where he had received feedback that progress over addressing the issue of domestic violence over the last 10 years had been very slow.  The PCC replied that Durham was one of eight forces nationally which had been praised by the IPCC regarding its work around domestic abuse and agreed to meet with Councillor Jones after the meeting to obtain further details form him.  Councillor Hovvels added that progress had been made, with officers wearing body cams and victims dealing with the same officer wherever possible.


Councillor Boyes informed the Panel that he considered the Plan to be a good, succinct yet comprehensive document.  He was pleased that the PCC had responded to previous comments made by the Panel but failed to understand some of the consultation responses, for example why 12% of respondents would think engagement should not be a priority.  The PCC replied that there was sometimes confusion around what the term engagement meant and this could be the reason for the percentage figue.



That the comments of the Panel on the Plan be fed back to the Police and Crime Commissioner.

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