Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2015/16 - Joint Report of PCC Chief Finance Officer and Chief of Staff


The Panel considered a joint report of the PCC Chief Finance Officer and Chief of Staff which provided details of the proposed revenue and capital budgets for Durham Constabulary for 2015-16 (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor Dixon referred to the demolition of Newton Aycliffe station and asked what the future use of the land may be.  The Chief Finance Officer replied that outline planning permission had been approved for a care home to be built on the site and the sale of the land would be a source of income to the force as well as generating future business rate income.


Mr Cooke referred to the Air Support Unit which was now based further away from Durham and therefore there would be more ‘dead time’ to arrive at any incident it was called to in County Durham or Darlington.  This could also act as a psychological barrier to request the Unit.


The Chief Finance Officer replied that currently the force paid £1,500 to £2,000 per flying hour for the Unit’s helicopter with the force being contracted to as number of hours each year.  However, the force was not using all of its contracted hours each year.  The PCC added that usage of the Air Support Unit would be closely scrutinised in future years to ensure that those forces which used it the most paid the largest contributions.


In response to a question from Councillor Jones regarding a decrease in spending of £2m for Joint and Other Authorities the Chief Finance Officer informed the Panel that this cost had been allocated elsewhere in the budget.


Councillor Boyes referred to capital expenditure on Red Sigma/Blue Delta development and asked how this level of expenditure compared with other forces.  The Chief Finance Officer replied that value for money profiles produced nationally showed the level of spend to be similar to other forces.  A grant had been received towards Red Sigma, which had been developed in-house, resulting in a more rapid development time.  Talks were now being held with other forces regarding their usage of the system, which could result in some income generation.


Councillor Armstrong referred to the level of reserves and asked whether these were sufficient.  The Chief Finance Officer replied that he was satisfied the level of reserves were sufficient adding that the Home Office closely monitored reserve levels to ensure they were not too high and were only used to support capital expenditure.



That the report be noted.

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