Agenda item

Report of Working Groups


The Chairman indicated that he had written to SACRE members to seek volunteers to sit on the working groups and he had managed to allocate groups. A meeting had taken place on 28 January 2015 but unfortunately some members were unable to attend due to other commitments.


An updated copy of the structure which detailed allocations to the various working groups had been circulated to members at the meeting (for copy see file of minutes).


The External Relations Working Group had met and looked at producing a response to the letter received from Lord Nash to all SACREs which was to be discussed under agenda item no. 10.


K Passmore and N Chapman sought approval to send the response to Lord Nash following approval from the Chairman and the Specialist Inspector for Religious Education rather than in collaboration with all SACRE members due to the time scales involved. Members agreed to this and asked that they received a copy of the response for information.