Agenda item

Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 February 2011


Subject to the following amendment, the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2011were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Vice-chair:


3/2010/567 – Application to vary condition 14 – Provision of affordable housing (Ref: 3/2010/144) on land at Middlewood Avenue, St Helen Auckland, Bishop Auckland


Approved subject also to the prior completion of a Section 106 Agreement  securing a financial contribution to off-site open space provision.


The Development Control Manager confirmed that negotiations were under way with regard to the additional conditions referred to in the resolution to approve application 3/2009/566 (Proposed construction of a light steel framed structure, part blockwork and cladding to secure small items of plant, machinery and tools on land to the north east of New Row, Oakenshaw)


Prior to consideration of the applications on the agenda, the Legal Adviser updated the Committee on the latest position with regard to the intention of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to abolish Regional Spatial Strategies.


Supporting documents: