Agenda item

Application 6/2010/431/DM - Arbeia, Mickleton

Change of use of land to equestrian and erection of timber stable


6/2010/0431/DM - Change of use of land to equestrian & erection of timber stable at Arbeia, Mickleton


The Development Control Manager presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.


The Committee was addressed by Mr E Wilkinson, who objected to the application and suggested that viewing the proposal from his property would give a different perspective to that outlined in the report. He feared that approving this application could lead to the establishment of a commercial livery business, parking problems and more intensive use of the land for equine events. He emphasised that he was concerned for the village of Mickleton as a whole – not just from his own point of view.


The applicant, Ms G Batt, addressed the Committee; she confirmed that she was not intending to run a business and that only her own two horses would be stabled at the property, which would mean that she no longer had to get up at 5am each day to tend to them elsewhere. She would also be renting the field adjacent to the application site but had no plans to have additional horses on the land.


Councillor Richardson moved that consideration be deferred to enable a site visit to take place; he was seconded by Councillor Shuttleworth. On being put to the vote, however, this motion was lost.


In response to questions from members the Development Control Manager confirmed that, should the application be approved, conditions could be put in place to deal with waste management and to prevent use for commercial purposes.


Councillor Davidson moved that the application be approved subject to conditions; he was seconded by Councillor Paylor.



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report to the Committee and subject also to the following additional condition:


The horses kept on the land shall only be those owned and kept for private domestic purposes by the applicant. The land shall not be used in association with any form of business or commercial activity.


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