Agenda item

Consett Academy, Consett - Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding objections to a proposed scheme of waiting restrictions around the vicinity of Consett Academy (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed that the scheme had been devised as a result of a planning condition imposed during the agreement of a planning application for the Academy site.  The Strategic Highways Manager provided the Committee with a presentation which detailed the following:


·         location plan

·         planning condition

·         proposal

·         consultation area

·         photos of the areas where representations were made


(for presentation see file of Minutes).


An informal consultation encompassing all affected properties in the immediate vicinity and statutory consultees was held between 14 April 2014 and 4 July 2014. A total of 37 responses had been received out of 134 letters.  Of the 37 responses, 18 were in favour of the proposals and 19 were against.  Further letters were sent to those people who had made representations clarifying a number of issues which lead to the resolution of the issues raised. However, three people still wished to maintain their objections.


Durham Constabulary, North East Ambulance Service and the local Member of Parliament supported the proposals.


The remaining objections were then summarised for the Committee and these were detailed in the report.  The objections expressed concern that the proposal would displace parking elsewhere (namely Oakdale, Ashdale, Elmdale and affect residential parking and the point was also made that motorists already parked on ‘Keep Clear’ lines at present, querying the need to change them to double-yellow lines.


The Strategic Highways Manager explained that school gate parking was a problematic issue, across the County and not easy to resolve.  There was an acceptance that some vehicle displacement may occur during the Academy at peak times and this would have to be monitored once the Academy was open and operating.  The Committee were also informed that the restrictions had been designed to control and regulate parking around the most sensitive areas where children would gain access to and from the Academy.


Councillor Temple spoke as the local Councillor for the area and explained that the scheme appeared logical and reasonable, however, he had one minor issue regarding the current white advisory lines near to a residents property.  The occupant of a nearby property had registered an objection essentially because he felt that access would be made more difficult to his property and asked if this particular issue could be looked out without jeopardising the scheme.


The Strategic Highways Manager informed Councillor Temple that he would be prepared, through consultation with the resident, to revisit this part of the proposal, commenting that there could be scope to reduce a restriction contained in the relevant legal order.  The Principal Solicitor, Highways and Development confirmed that this was possible to undertake, providing it was in line with the Committee’s wishes.


Councillor Turnbull spoke of his general support for the scheme and hoped that proper enforcement would take place in the area to ensure that motorists were adhering to the restrictions once implemented.  Councillor Turnbull also asked how the Council would monitor those vehicles that would then park in other areas where there were no restrictions thus causing issues elsewhere.


In response, the Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that officers would have to determine prioritisation of areas for enforcement for which good intelligence was necessary.  The lack of restrictions on short stretches of road with no restrictions may lead to motorists attempting to park in such areas.


Councillor B Armstrong highlighted that there were other areas of Medomsley Road, near to the Academy site, which also created problems.  This included traffic obstructions and cars parking on pavements which caused congestion and poor traffic flow.


The Strategic Highways Manager explained that the scheme presented may assist with some of the issues raised by Councillor Armstrong.  Concerns about the displacement of vehicles by Councillors were noted this would be monitored once the Consett Academy was open and in operation.



That the Committee endorse the proposal detailed in the report and that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to amend the legal order, if necessary, pending the outcome of further consultation with Councillor Temple’s constituent.

Supporting documents: