Agenda item

Quarter 3 2014/15 Performance Management - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Board considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which presented progress against the council’s corporate basket of performance indicators (PIs) and reported other significant performance issues for the third quarter of 2014/15 covering the period October to December 2014. A presentation was given by the Head of Planning and Performance (for copy of report and slides, see file of minutes).


Councillor Wilson referred to Job Seeker Allowance claims and the impact of zero hour contracts.  The Head of Planning and Performance advised that there had been an increase in zero hours contracts and advised that the performance team were in the process of doing an analysis. The Chairman requested that the information be taken to the Economy and Enterprise Committee when available.


Referring to the statistics on sickness absence, Councillor Wilkes expressed concern regarding the length of time taken for the review process to be set up and asked if there was an alternative way to speed the process.


Members discussed apprenticeships and reasons why a number of young people do not complete the courses. Councillor Batey expressed concern that the apprenticeship scheme statistics did not reflect the number of young people becoming qualified. Councillor Crute advised that the matter would be taken to Economy and Enterprise Scrutiny Committee.


Councillors Batey and Blakey referred to the 26% increase in shoplifting and asked if information was available on the type of items being stolen and the age range of the offenders. The Chairman advised that the information would be gathered and would be forwarded to members.


In response to comments regarding the use of food and clothes banks, the Chairman reported that Area Action Partnerships received extra welfare assistance funding that a number had used to expand support, which demonstrates an increase in demand.


Discussions took place regarding the increase in suicides and the possible reasons behind the rise. The Chairman commented that reasons were very complex and could not be pinpointed to any one issue as there were many contributing factors including family matters, jobs and mental health problems. He added that scrutiny were currently reviewing the issue of self-harm.




That the information contained in the report be noted.



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