Agenda item

DM/14/03523/OUT - Land to the west of St Paul's Garden, Witton Park


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application, including means of access, for residential development on land to the west of St Pauls Garden, Witton Park (for copy see file of Minutes).


S Pilkington, Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


Mr Lavender, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee.  He informed the Committee that planning provided the opportunity to create opportunities and that this application offered opportunity for positive change within Witton Park and its structure.  The previous application on the agenda which had been approved included a retail unit but provided facilities around a skeletal village form.  This application would unite the village and would create the core of the village around the village green.  Although there was no current County Durham Plan to work to, Witton Park had suffered from the last County Durham Plan under its Category D policy.  Wear Valley Local Plan, which was prepared over 20 years ago and before the designation of village green in the village, showed the development of 50 houses for Witton Park.  Mr Lavender questioned the need to cling on to outdated policies.  Although reference had been made to the site not being in a sustainable location, Mr Lavender argued that sustainability needed to be created, it didn’t just happen and that not building would lead to stagnation.  Witton Park was ambitious for its future and this development would be a progressive approach for the future of the village.


Councillor Dixon informed the Committee that permission had been granted for some development within the village under the item previously considered and suggested that if that development was successful then this application could then be submitted.


Councillor Davidson informed the Committee that he was aware of the position of both this and the previous site in Witton Park, concurred with the comments of Councillor Dixon and moved refusal of the application.  Seconded by Councillor Clare.


Councillor Richardson informed the Committee that this was still a greenfield site and he felt it was not appropriate to bring it forward for development at the current time.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be refused for the reasons set out in the report.

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