Agenda item

Tourism Marketing undertaken by Visit County Durham

Verbal update on Review activity, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Assistant Chief Executive’s.


The Chairman asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close to give a verbal update on the activities of the Working Group looking at Tourism Marketing undertaken by Visit County Durham.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that there had been three meetings to date, receiving information from Visit County Durham (VCD) and looking at the role and responsibilities of VCD.  Members noted that there had been information received as regards national campaigns undertaken, performance of campaigns and how this was measured, together within information on future marketing activities.  It was noted that the key findings coming from the review included: VCD had a small Marketing Team and a small marketing budget; VCD had been successful in delivering marketing campaigns as a result of Regional Growth Fund (RGF) monies however this had come to an end; a strong Strategic Marketing Partnership exists within the County and VCD will continue to work in partnership locally, regionally and nationally to ensure that their marketing activity continues to be effective with limited resources. 


The Committee were reminded that VCD worked in partnership with the national tourism organisations, Visit England and Visit Britain and that there were several signature events to be held in 2015 such as Lumiere; Magna Carta; and events at Auckland Castle.  Members noted the “Northern Futures” fund, to market tourism for the North of England internationally.  Members noted a report as regards Tourism Marketing would be drawn together and reported back to Members in due course.


Councillor P Stradling noted the small team at VCD were continuing to do excellent work, however funding in the future could be an issue, notwithstanding the “Northern Futures” funding announced by the Deputy Prime Minister.




That the verbal update be noted.