Agenda item

Report of Working Groups


The Chairman advised members that two of the working groups had met since the last meeting.


The notes of the SACRE Development Working Group meeting held with C Spencer, D Mowbray-Pape and J Bainbridge had been circulated to members prior to the meeting.


C Spencer and D Mowbray-Pape presented the outcome of their meeting and members discussed the contents of the minutes and suggested that the Communication Working Group look at marketing SACRE.


Members discussed the future of SACRE as schools were now being taking out of local authority control and they don’t have to buy into the authority’s services so what would be the role of SACRE.


The Chairman indicated that the Communications Working Group had met and produced an annual report which would be considered under a separate agenda item.


The Chairman advised members that a response had been received from Lord Nash which was impartial due to the election. K Passmore had suggested to the Chairman that a further letter be sent to Lord Nash.