Agenda item

Peterlee - Parking and Waiting Restrictions Amendment Order - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding parking and waiting restrictions at Peterlee (for copy see file of Minutes)


The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that traffic regulation orders were always under review and Peterlee was an area which had been subject to large areas of change over recent times.  A number of amendments affecting existing waiting restrictions proposed for Howletch Primary School, Pennine Drive and Grampian Drive had not received any objections. One objection had been received to changes proposed for Judson Road.  The scheme in this particular area had been devised following a request by a Senior Facility Engineer for Caterpillar, Peterlee who explained that very large vehicles and movements accessing and egressing Judson Road were extremely difficult due to the amount of cars parking on grass verges and either side of the road.  A site visit was held with the representative and scheme involving the introduction of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restriction was drawn up.


The Committee heard that there was one objection to the proposal, submitted by an employee from Caterpillar.  Whilst the objector accepted the need for the situation to be addressed, he expressed concern that the proposal would affect a local mobile caterer and the nearby ‘Learning Centre of Light’, particularly if they were to hold any large attendee events.


In response, the Strategic Manager informed the Committee that the restrictions had been plotted accordingly in relation to access and egress to the Caterpillar plant.  It was noted that the facility had around 1200 off-road car parking spaces which was deemed sufficient to accommodate vehicles from workers on shift patterns at the plant.


In response to point raised about the Learning Centre of Light, the Committee were informed that the venue had its own access to an off street parking facility and anyone visiting the site could use the car park facilities or park in nearby unrestricted streets.


Suggestions to install fencing and boulders would not be considered as they would be classed as obstructions and would not remedy the issues of accessibility to the Caterpillar plant, and in some cases, could actually worsen the situation.


Councillor Kay felt that the site had more than generous car parking facilities available for all the staff of different shifts and there was no reason for people to park their vehicles which caused difficulty to the large vehicles and vehicle movements, other than for convenience of it being closer to the site entrance.



That the recommendation in the report be agreed.

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