Agenda item

Wolsingham - Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding a proposed traffic regulation order at the Causeway, Wolsingham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Causeway had been subject to a seasonal restriction whereby waiting was prohibited between 8am to 6pm from April to September. The seasonal restriction was removed in early 2015 and replaced with a ‘no waiting at any time’ restriction at bends and access points, essentially to maintain visibility and assist with the provision of passing points for motorists due to the narrow nature of the carriageway.  No objections had been received to the proposal at the time.  Since the introduction of the newer restrictions, the Council had received representations from some residents who had experienced some problems accessing/egressing their properties, partly due to the initial restrictions being aligned with building features incorrectly identified on the base ordnance survey plans.


Three slight modifications had been proposed opposite the entrances of No. 2 The Causeway and The Tower Mews.  It was also proposed to reduce the restriction at the northern end of the Causeway to minimise impact on residents of the eastern side.


The Strategic Manager then summarised the objections detailed in the report.  The Committee were informed that a total of four respondents had submitted various objections to the proposals.  The objections received stated that the current restrictions were adequate and that further restrictions would reduce parking and cause additional problems.  Other objections cited the loss of further parking spaces and the potential for traffic speeds to increase.  There had been no recollection of any collisions or accident history in the area.


One objector had expressed concern about a neighbour who had not been resident at her property for a time, due to illness.  There was a view expressed that the resident may have mobility issues on her return home and the introduction of the proposed parking restrictions could negatively impact upon the resident.


The Strategic Traffic Manager acknowledged the issue highlighted and explained that attempts to ascertain the facts surrounding the neighbour and their requirements had been unsuccessful. It was felt that this could not be taken into account until such time as the resident returned to their property. The Committee were also informed that the proposed restrictions would allow for pick-up/drop off at the location or if the person held a blue badge, they would be able to park at the location for three hours, providing they were not causing an obstruction. 


The Strategic Manager also informed the Committee that one objector who could not be present at the meeting had made further representations about the loss of parking spaces, would increase the speed of vehicles in the Causeway area, disadvantage other residents and there was no need to put in further restrictions for the convenience of others and asked the Council to reconsider the scheme.


Councillor Shuttleworth, one of the local Members who could not be present at the meeting had emailed the Senior Committee Services Officer and asked for his representation to be conveyed to the Committee. Councillor Shuttleworth had not made any previous representations as he believed that the additional measures would not create any issues, given that there had been no objections previously in the area concerned. 


Councillor Shuttleworth stated in his representation that ‘a number of people had now responded to the proposed scheme, and issues had been raised, at the Causeway, Wolsingham.  He asked if the Committee would be minded to carry out a review of the parking arrangements after three months of operation.   He had made this request because over one year ago, he had been contacted by someone with severe disability issues, who was concerned about any parking restrictions, and he had been unable to contact them.


Councillor Robinson felt that the suggestion made by Councillor Shuttleworth appeared fair under the circumstances and suggested that the Corporate Director, should consider implementing the proposals as detailed in the report and then reviewed after three months of operation to take into account the representations made by the resident who had been unable to be contacted.  Councillor Stradling seconded the suggestion made by Councillor Robinson.


The Strategic Manager explained that the County Council could review the scheme after three months of operation which would hopefully allow for time to discuss the residents needs of whom Councillor Shuttleworth and one other objector had referred to.



That the recommendation contained in the report be agreed and that once the scheme was implemented to review its operation after three months.

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