Agenda item

Unc 12.31 Hustledown Road, South Stanley - Speed Cushions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding representations received to proposed traffic calming measures on Hustledown Road, South Stanley (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed that the location had speed related issues and Durham Constabulary had made representations to the County Council in 2014 regarding the amount of high speed traffic using Hustledown Road.  They had requested that a more permanent solution be found to the problem as resources would not allow for a constant presence from the police.


The Committee then received a presentation detailing:


·         the location of the proposed restrictions;

·         an aerial view;

·         the location of buildouts;

·         a technical drawing of the buildouts, give way; and

·         the driving view along the road.


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that the report stated that local Councillors had not commented on the scheme. However, Councillor Davinson had made some comments on the scheme during the consultation which related to the access to the area by the Fire Brigade.  The Strategic Highways Manager confirmed that the Fire Brigade had been consulted on the proposed scheme and didn’t raise any issues.


Three representations had been made by one objector relating to the advertising process of the consultation, their dislike of road humps generally which they felt caused damage to vehicles and the costs relating to the installation of road humps which they felt could be better used towards highways maintenance.  The Strategic Highways Manager confirmed that the relevant notices were placed on-site as per the statutory consultation period. No properties were directly affected by the section of carriageway.  The expenditure for the scheme was being funded from a specific traffic management solutions budget and the traffic calming measures would be installed in accordance with national guidance.


Councillor Wilkes referred to the Council’s 20mph policy being introduced at some schools across the County and expressed concern that people using this route would potentially detour through neighbouring streets should the proposals detailed in the report be introduced.


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that from their experience, it would be unlikely that motorists would consider taking a longer diversionary route to avoid the proposed build-outs and therefore didn’t anticipate it having an effect on neighbouring streets, however, the situation would be monitored.



(i)     That the recommendation in the report be agreed; and

That traffic on neighbouring streets be monitored accordingly, once the scheme had been implemented.

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