Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Review Report - Organised Crime

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to a draft report Working Group looking at the topic of Organised Crime and noted main points raised within the report included: excellent and proactive partnership working with the Safer Durham Partnership (SDP); the strong position of Durham in terms of developing “Local Profiles”, with updates to be provided to the Committee; positive case-studies in the tackling of illegal waste; the effective work of the Disruption and Intervention Panel; and the potential financial risk to the Authority from Organised Crime Groups (OCGs), with Durham being in a strong position following a Home Office pilot scheme.   


It was noted that the topic had raised awareness with the Members of the Working Group and that there would be Members’ Seminars on the issues in due course.


Councillor J Armstrong noted the report was excellent and highlighted the effectiveness of the partnership arrangements within the County.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that if the Committee agreed the draft report, it would then be submitted to Cabinet for consideration at its July meeting.  Members also noted the report would be tabled for the September meeting of the Safe Durham Partnership. 


Councillors noted that there would be updates reports in terms of the review and also on the establishing of Local Profiles in due course.




That the report be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.

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