Agenda item

Delivering an Efficient Policing Service: Consideration of Medium Term Financial Plan - Presentation by Chief of Staff and Chief Finance Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Panel received a presentation from the Chief of Staff and Chief Finance Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, which provided details of the Medium Term Financial Plan (for copy of slides see file of Minutes).#


Councillor Allen thanked the Chief of Staff and Chief Finance Officer for their presentation.  She informed the Panel that the force would face significant challenges in the years ahead adding that she had attended a recent Problem Orientated Partnerships event which highlighted the excellent work being done by the sharing of resources with partners.


Councillor Armstrong informed the Panel that the projected loss of officers over the period of the MTFP was disheartening and asked whether age profiling of serving officers had taken place.  The Chief Finance Officer replied that the average police officer age in Durham was 43 years and that this was an ageing workforce.  He informed the Panel there was a need for younger officers in the force, which currently had 15 officers under the age of 25.


Councillor Brookes referred to holiday pay and overtime pay and asked whether extra people could be employed which would reduce the need for this, or whether overtime hours could be incorporated into contracted hours.  He also asked the proportion of senior staff to frontline staff in the proposed reduction in staff numbers.  The Chief Finance Officer replied that due the nature of the service, including responding to major incidents and the reactive nature of the service, it was not possible to reduce the number of overtime hours, although expenditure on overtime had bene reduced.  He was to meet with the PCC that afternoon to discuss alterations to the numbers of senior officers and senior staff.


In response to a question from Councillor Scott regarding IT costs, the Chief Finance Officer informed the Panel that the force did work with private sector providers to ensure best value for money was achieved.


Councillor Forster asked whether, with the proposal to reduce staff numbers, the use of volunteers would be encouraged, and also asked whether a cadet force still existed.


The Chief Finance Officer replied that the force had recently recruited an additional 55 Special Constables and Neighbourhood Watch volunteers and that volunteers were used in back office functions.  However, Special Constables had a cost attached to them in terms of training, uniform and equipment.  The Police Cadets scheme still operated and was run by the Durham Agency Against Crime.


Councillor May asked about officer deployment and the public desire to see officers on the street.  He also asked what the force did to maintain officer fitness levels.  The Chief Finance Officer replied that the deployment of officers was a decision for Sergeants, adding that this should depend upon priorities.  Officers had to undertake annual fitness tests and there was a 2% failure rate in Durham.  However, with the ageing profile of officers, this could increase in the coming years.


That the presentation be noted.