Agenda item

Community Action Team - Update

·       Joint report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services.

·       Presentation by Environment Protection Officer.


The committee received a report and presentation from the Environment Protection Manager to provide members with an update on the work of the Councils Community Action Team (CAT) and the use of targeted interventions (for copy of report and slides of presentation see file of minutes).


The Environment Protection Manager gave a detailed presentation which provided members with a brief explanation of the background to the Community Action Team (CAT), summer 2014 work results, summer 2014 review findings and the next steps.


Following the presentation T Bolton asked if they would continue to work with parish councils and keep them updated as they were the members at a local level.


The Environmental Protection Manager responded that parishes were a good source of local information and there input was valuable. It was confirmed that the Community Action Team (CAT) would continue to work with parish councils and further develop the existing relationship.


Councillor Holland referred to a recent residents meeting at which discussions had focused on litter left by students at the end of term. He highlighted that residents had praised the performance of staff which had been outstanding in clearing the litter away and a letter had been sent to the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services informing him of this issue and suggesting that Durham County Council needs more powers to deal with landlords and this type of incident. Councillor Holland requested if this issue could be brought back to a future meeting.


The Environmental Protection Manager responded that they would continue to develop the city centre strategy and target landlords as they were aware of the problems particularly at the end of term and would focus inventions on these identified areas.


The Chairman indicated that an update on this issue could be brought back to committee at an appropriate time.


Councillor Jewell asked the officer if the approach of the CAT was reactive or proactive. The Environmental Protection Manager responded that it was proactive but with a reactive response, pro-active in planning but reactive in how we deal with issues using a combined approach. They concentrated on certain areas and target with a Community Action Team, it was a big problem but they tried to punch holes in the worst affected areas but there were improvements.


Councillor Clark referred to the review walkabouts dates and asked if they could be shared with residents as soon as possible as there were not many community meetings in July/August period. She asked if some publicity could be done and she complimented the team on their work/activity undertaken to date.


The Chairman thanked the Environmental Protection Manager for his very informative presentation and the positive feedback from members.




(i) That the information contained within the presentation and the update report on the work of the Community Action Team and the use of targeted interventions be noted.


(ii) That the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further update on the work of the Community Action Team at a future meeting.

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