Agenda item

Quarter 4 2014/15 Performance Management Report - Report of the Corporate Management Team


The committee received a report and presentation of the Corporate Management Team and the Assistant Chief Executive which presented progress against the council’s basket of performance indicators for the Altogether Greener theme and report other performance issues for the 2014/15 financial year (for copy of report and slides of presentation see file of minutes).


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager provided a detailed presentation which gave an update on performance relating to the following:-


·       Performance summary

·       Key messages in relation to cleaner, more attractive, sustainable environment

·       Refuse and recycling

·       Improved environmental cleanliness

·       Enforcement: fixed penalty notices (FPNs)

·       Fly-tipping

·       Outcomes since the launch of ‘Operation: Stop It’

·       Conditions of the Local Authority road network

·       Highway and footway defects

·       Carbon emissions across the authority area

·       Carbon emissions from local authority operations

·       Renewable energy generation

·       Street lighting

·       Maximise value and benefit of natural environment

·       Projects undertaken during 2014/15


Councillor Clark referred to highway works in her ward and asked if any discussion or planning takes place in advance of such works being undertaken. Within Horden there were a number of road closures and in addition temporary lights had been placed in Horden Village which has added to the congestion in Horden.


The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that planners and programmers plan the work to co-ordinate and cause minimum disruption, she could only assume that a risk assessment had been undertaken and it was agreed that they could go ahead at the same time but she would raise the issue with technical services.


Councillor Clark also referred to GPS systems and how their programmes are not updated resulting in drivers receiving wrong information about driving routes. The member asked as to whether there was anything Durham County Council could do to rectify this. The member was informed that currently there is nothing Durham County Council can do to update these systems.


Members then made reference to the comprehensive information contained in the quarter 4 performance report and commented that they receive an update locally from the neighbourhood protection team which used to contain post codes of where incidents involving fixed penalty notices were taking place. However the format of the update has changed with total numbers now quoted and members asked if this format could be looked at. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that she would feedback this request to the neighbourhood wardens.


Councillor Holland commended the content of the quarter 4 performance report and asked if the committee or a members seminar could be arranged to discuss the content of the report.


Councillor Armstrong referred to the work programme of the committee and commented that there was no capacity to look at the report in depth but this could be the basis of a members seminar and would need to be discussed with the Head of Planning and Performance.


Councillor Clare requested if members could receive a copy of the quarter 4 performance report due to the comprehensive detail of the information contained in the report. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager confirmed that she would circulate the report to committee members.


Councillor Stradling referred to dog fouling and asked if people were not been caught or if it had reduced. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that the reduction was due to the successful dog ownership programme which had resulted in the number of incidents reduced and the performance had improved significantly.


Councillor May indicated that when walking about there was not as much dog fouling and those walking dogs had bags. He referred to the dog bins which were not easy to obtain as he was advised that they needed to be in an area where they could be emptied. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that Neighbourhood Wardens do a survey and a walkabout to determine as to whether a bin is necessary. If it was necessary they would look at installing a bin but it was about balance.


The Chairman indicated that they had been more successful with fly-tipping prosecutions. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that the team had a solicitor on board who advised on the powers and what information would be required for a successful prosecution. Training had also been delivered by Legal Services which had helped to increase prosecutions.


Councillor Jewell referred to waste permits and how these were targeted. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that they had a dedicated team for fly-tipping and the team concentrated on areas where incidents were high. They worked closely with the police and went to sites and asked to see their licence.


Councillor Clare sought clarification on 5.33 for litter. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager responded that it was a percentage and litter and dog fouling were given a grade which was fed into a spreadsheet which gave a percentage.


Councillor Clark commented that 31% for England was shocking and that she would also like to share the information in the quarter 4 performance report with residents. The Customer Relations Policy and Performance Manager indicated that she was happy to share the information and would arrange to have it sent to members.




That the contents of the report and presentation be noted.

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