Agenda item

Review of the Management of the Woodlands Estate Owned by Durham County Council - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Committee received a report and presentation of the Assistant Chief Executive which presented the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s Review Group report on the management of the woodland estate owned by Durham County Council  (for copy of report and slides of presentation see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer provided a detailed presentation which provided members with details of the approach used for the review and the key findings with regard to management, strategies & policies, timber extraction, EU funding opportunities, volunteering and biodiversity.


Following the presentation Councillor Holland sought clarification on the procurement process and documentation issues raised in the report and whether there was an appropriate recommendation.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer responded that recommendation three covered procurement and that she had been advised that the four outstanding contracts would be revisited and that arrangements had been made to advertise these contracts via an Auction Company which had expertise with this type of contract. Members would receive an update on the progress made in relation to the recommendations contained within the review report at a future meeting.


Councillor Armstrong sought clarification on the timetable for the report to be presented to Corporate Management Team and Cabinet. Members were advised that the report had already been presented to Corporate Management Team and would be presented to Cabinet on the 16 September 2015.




(i) That the report of the Woodland Scrutiny Review Group be agreed.


(ii) That the repot of the Scrutiny Review Group be submitted for consideration by Cabinet at the meeting on the 16 September 2015.

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