Agenda item

Council Plan 2015-18 - Refresh of the Work Programme - Report of Assistant Chief Executive


The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive which provided members with an updated work programme for the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny for 2015-2016 (for copy of report see file on minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer presented the report reminding members that this was the second report on the work programme to be considered by the committee with the first report considered at the meeting on the 17 April.  That report had identified areas on which the committee had requested further updates new areas under the ‘Altogether Greener’ priority theme of the Council Plan, updates on previous review recommendations and the quarterly budget and performance reports.  It was agreed by members at that meeting that those areas identified be included in the work programme for 2015/16.  This has resulted in a busy work programme for the committee with three additional special meetings currently identified and two visits with the possibility of further special meetings having to be arranged as the work programme develops.


Members are asked to identify an area for focused scrutiny review and two areas had been identified, winter maintenance which was the topic of a previous scrutiny review considered 4-5 year ago or consideration of the allotment policy.


Councillor Armstrong advised members that there would be a report on allotments sometime in September and they could wait until that report had been completed. He also indicated that a budget announcement would be made later today which may result in budget restrictions therefore it may be timely to look at winter maintenance.


The Chairman indicated that there was a need for flexibility in relation to the future topic and that it be left to the Chair and Vice-Chair to decide.




(i) That the new work programme as detailed for 2015-2016 be agreed.


(ii) That the future topic for focused scrutiny review be determined by the Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee.

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