Agenda item

Performance and Operational Report

Report of Bereavement Services Manager.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


The Bereavement Services Manager advised that during the period 1 September 2015 to 31 December 2015 inclusive, there were 455 cremations undertaken, an increase of 18 on the comparable period last year.


It was further reported that during the period, 4 memorial plaques were sold which represented a decrease of 11 (£4,394) year on year. In addition a new memorial tower had been installed providing a wider choice to families of memorials to purchase.


With regard to operational matters it was reported that following adhoc arrangements which had been put in place to cover the cleaner’s post which was vacated in November 2014, a Service Level Agreement had now been put in place with Durham County Council’s facilities management team at a cost of £6,599 for cleaning services. This had been factored into the budget proposals considered later in the Agenda.


The Bereavement Services Manager advised that arrangements had been made to purchase an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to be kept on site at Mountsett. The AED and associated training would cost £1,100 which would be accommodated from the existing equipment budget.


As discussed at the previous meeting options regarding a celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of Mountsett Crematorium were being considered. It was proposed that a balloon release to celebrate each year of its operation followed by a service would be arranged. Subject to any further suggestions, officers would finalise proposals and provide full details to the next meeting in April.


Members were advised that Mountsett Crematorium would be submitting an application for the 2016 Green Flag Award, which had been achieved in the previous four years. The management plan would be updated accordingly in order to maintain standards.


Under the Recycling of Metals Scheme, the Crematorium had received a cheque for the sum of £4,321 and this had been presented to the North East Children’s Cancer Research by the Chair of the Joint Committee on 20 October 2015.


Further to discussions at the last meeting regarding the options for extending car parking facilities on site, it was reported that planning permission had been granted and work was expected to be underway by 20 February, 2016 with an estimated completion date of 3 April 2016.


The Bereavement Services Manager advised that following the Joint Committee’s decision to approve a scheme to build an extension to the Crematorium and install 2 new cremators with Mercury Abatement equipment to each, further design work had been undertaken and discussions have been ongoing with Legal Services to draft the tender. Further updates would be provided at future meetings.


Councillor Charlton asked whether all staff would be trained in the use of the AED. In response the Bereavement Services Manager advised that all 12 staff would be trained as part of the package. Councillor Dearden asked whether the Crematorium would be responsible for its maintenance and upkeep and it was noted that there was a facility for replacing after 2 years.


Moving on to discuss the replacement of the cremators it was noted that now we were in the procurement phase, there was two options available to the committee. The first being that any conditional offers be brought back to committee for its approval, or alternatively, that the Chair of the Joint Committee alongside the Project Team were given delegated approval to make the decision on behalf of the committee. Councillor Dodds commented that he felt that allowing the Chair to make the decision on behalf of the Committee with legal input seemed the most practical solution, negating the requirement for another meeting to be convened at potentially short notice.





·         That the current performance of the crematorium be noted.

·         That the current situation with regards to the sale of memorials be noted.

·         That the SLA with Durham County Council’s Facilities Management team for the cleaning services, which will provide additional business continuity and cover for any further periods of absence be agreed.

·         That the purchase of an Automated External Defibrillator be noted.

·         That proposals for the 50th Anniversary celebrations be noted.

·         That the status of the application for the Green Flag Award 2016 be noted.

·         That the distribution of recycling income received be noted.

·         That the current position with regards to the proposed car park extension be noted.

·         That the current progress with regards to the cremator replacement be noted and that the Chair of the Joint Committee be delegated authority to alongside the project Team and Legal Services determine the outcome of any offer.


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