Agenda item

DM/15/01121/FPA - The North Briton, 23 High Street, Aycliffe Village, Newton Aycliffe

Conversion of Public House to 10no. apartments and erection of 4no. dwellings


Consideration was given to the report of the South West Team Leader regarding an application for the conversion of the public house to 10 no. apartments and the erection of 4 no. dwellings (for copy see file of Minutes).


J Byers, South West Team Leader gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Committee was informed that all but one of the properties would be accessed from the front of the building. The remaining property would be served by an existing access to the side.


Following questions from Councillor Armstrong, Dr Gordon, the applicant’s agent advised that the apartments were modest in size, at around 500-600 sq ft. Each apartment would have an individual bin at the rear of the building for waste disposal.


Councillor Nicholson stated that the former public house was an eyesore and the proposals would bring the building back to life. He moved approval of the application.


Following a request from Councillor Kay about the sustainability of the location, the South West Team Leader explained that the site was in an existing village centre, surrounded by other developments within the settlement envelope and was situated on a main road with good access to local facilities in Aycliffe.


Councillor Clare noted that this site was very ancient, dating back to 1069 and was pleased to note that a detailed condition required an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation prior to the commencement of the development.


Following a question from the Member regarding possible encroachment on the village green, Dr Gordon advised that following investigation he was confident that the development was outside of the village green boundary.


C Cuskin, Solicitor - Planning and Development stated that planning permission would not over-ride the protection afforded to village greens. Village greens were protected by 2 Victorian statutes which were separate to the planning process.


Councillor Clare seconded the motion to approve the application.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure a financial contribution of £7000 towards the provision/maintenance of open space and recreation facilities in the locality. 







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