Agenda item

DM/15/01280/FPA - Sedgefield Out of School Fun Club, Sedgefield Primary School, Rectory Row, Sedgefield

Demolition of existing building and construction of new pitched roof building


Consideration was given to the report of the South West Team Leader regarding an application for the demolition of an existing building and construction of new pitched roof building (for copy see file of Minutes).


J Byers, South West Team Leader gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.


Members were informed that since the report had been published a further letter of support had been received from the Primary School which outlined the reasons for their support of the scheme and why the building could not be moved to an alternative location on the site.


Mrs Valks, local resident addressed the Committee against the application. She lived directly behind the building and whilst she was not against an Out of School Fun Club she felt that the negative impact on local residents had not been considered. Her own garden was 20m wide and the existing Club building was 20m long, and 6m high. The new building would be 1.5m higher and as a result their view would be of a roof which would block out light. She noted that one of the reasons for not re-locating the building to the site of the old art building was because carers would not have full view of the playground. However she thought that carers would need to be outside to supervise the children. It had been suggested that plants along the fencing at the rear of the garden could minimise the impact.


In conclusion Mrs Valks advised that the proposals had caused stress and asked the Committee to appreciate the size of the building that she would have to look at from the rear of her property.


Jan Batchelor, a voluntary Director of the Club addressed the Committee in support of the application. She stated that the current building was not fit for purpose and the charity had worked for many years to raise funds to replace the existing premises. The new building would greatly improve appearance on site and would provide more dedicated space for children. The adjoining site was not suitable as there was no gas supply and the existing location allowed the children to be supervised safely with both entrances to the school in view. The Club operated when the school closed and it was therefore important that visitors could be observed entering and leaving the site.


Mr Waters, the Chairman of School Governors added that the Club was essential to the school and the community. He hoped that the Committee would support an enhanced new premises which would replace a 50 year old building that was at the end of its useful life.


Councillor Patterson stated that she sympathised with the position of the resident but in planning terms there was no right to a view and there was already a building on the site. There were no grounds to overturn the Officer’s recommendation and therefore moved approval of the application.


Councillor Richardson concurred with the comments of Councillor Patterson and seconded the motion.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.



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